"Seriously narrator? No booms? No kablooees? Not even a bam?"
Well Ironok the studio ran out of dynamite two posts ago due to random explosions.
"Oookay wasn't as dramatic as I hoped. So yeah, it's dimensional theories."
"Dude," said the owner, "dimensional theory doesn't have any basis in fact."
Suddenly someone called, "CYBULL!!!!!!!!!!!"
Everyone: Cybull?
Suddenly, loud and fast thudding.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious."
Aaaanyway, introducing Torogae! Hey that rhymed. Suddenly, flocks of people start running in all directions and out of the crowd comes a cybull.
"Which one of you people is a medisnake with a blue club?"
Spotting Ironok and charging he screams "Why you little son of a brick!"
"Oh no!" said Ironok.
Gaesa runs out and pulls out his shield.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Chapter 3: I Am Not Left Handed (quote!! oh yeah!!!) part one
"So that's the bottomless pit? Doesn't look bottomless at all."
What Gaesa was referring to was the two foot pit that had been dug out in the corner of a tourist attraction.
"No," said the owner "that's the trash pit."
"So that's the bottomless pit?" said Ironok looking at a statue of a creature with it's mouth wide open.
"No, that's a game we set up for tourists. THAT is the bottomless pit." said the owner motioning to a large pit that was 500 miles wide and so deep that that no one could see any floor.
"Hey do you mind not talking? I'm tryin to show these tourists around."
Well soorrry but its in my job description, I'm the narrator for pete sake!
"Dude," piped up Ironok,"we're not tourists we're scientists."
"Well he is," said Gaesa,"I only met him two days ago. He was running from a swarm of sporons.
"Anyway I'm doing research ooooooooooooooon, drum-roll please, now pause for suspense. Dadadadadadadadadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... THE DARK DIMENSION!! KABOOMS IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!
to be continued...
What Gaesa was referring to was the two foot pit that had been dug out in the corner of a tourist attraction.
"No," said the owner "that's the trash pit."
"So that's the bottomless pit?" said Ironok looking at a statue of a creature with it's mouth wide open.
"No, that's a game we set up for tourists. THAT is the bottomless pit." said the owner motioning to a large pit that was 500 miles wide and so deep that that no one could see any floor.
"Hey do you mind not talking? I'm tryin to show these tourists around."
Well soorrry but its in my job description, I'm the narrator for pete sake!
"Dude," piped up Ironok,"we're not tourists we're scientists."
"Well he is," said Gaesa,"I only met him two days ago. He was running from a swarm of sporons.
"Anyway I'm doing research ooooooooooooooon, drum-roll please, now pause for suspense. Dadadadadadadadadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... THE DARK DIMENSION!! KABOOMS IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!
to be continued...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Chumiar (randomness completely modified)
This is a a Zenape, and a protector of the elder dragon. Yes one of the scatterbrains mentioned in the last post. A Zenape is basically a two limbed tailless monkey. Oh and those blades on his hands? He's not holding them, they're attached to his hands. His name is Chumiar and like the title...........
Sorry about the random explosions but we need a week to repair.
Sorry about the random explosions but we need a week to repair.
Friday, November 22, 2013
I wanted to get the rest of the main characters out of the way so that I can focus on other parts of the blog. Gaesa is a shield ninja. What is a shield ninja you may ask? They're, basically ninja with shields and European style swords. But don't worry the swords are all one edged. Gaesa's sword is the the flame sword Pyradon. One strange thing about him is the green mask he wears that looks like something from a certain story book that practically everyone knows. Oh and I forgot to tell you that characters will have really powerful attacks that are unique to each one. The attacks are going to be spoken in ancient augarian. So keep an eye out. For ranged attacks he can shoot fire from his sword blade.
So that's pretty much it. Also hear is a quote, "Great, the elder dragon's protectors are a bunch of scatterbrains."
Friday, November 15, 2013
Yeah, this is the sharpshooter from the last chapter. Not joking, he's a main character. The picture to the left is just a statue in some ruins. He uses a dagger for melee attacks, but other than that he mostly relies on his gun. For normal attacks he can fire short bursts of energy, but he can also charge up for a really destructive blast. Next thing you know FIRE!!!!!! HAVOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHAOS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are experiencing technical difficulties so please stand by. While your waiting enjoy this photo.
We are experiencing technical difficulties so please stand by. While your waiting enjoy this photo.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Chapter 2: The Strange Case of the Silver Zemite, and the Living Ghoston (omg!) part 2
The three ghostons and the young sharpshooter lay in a jumbled heap in the wreckage of a shed which belonged to a zenape farmer who was currently yelling at them for smashing his storage shed. Poor Niaemal was so winded, probably because Trek had crashed headlong into his stomach, that he probably would've needed surgery had he not been wearing armor.
"Okay, ooooowwwww"
"Dek! Hey dude its been a while! What were ya flyin' from?"
Trek spoke up, "Somethin creepy."
"Wasn't perchance from a meteor was it?"
"Yeah, their was this weird ooze stuff leaking out."
While they were talking the ooze had been slowly creeping up to them. Three of them only noticed it just in time because it had reached up and grabbed Gek, swallowing him whole.
"Oh man. Gek!"
"Dude phase through it! Phase through it!"
Just then a strange creature rose up out of the ooze and gave an unagarianly shriek.
"Oh snap." everyone said at the same time.
to be continued
Friday, November 1, 2013
Chapter 2: The Strange Case of the Silver Zemite, and the Living Ghoston (omg!)
The inhabitants of a small village looked up at the meteor streaking toward the forest and crashing somewhere inside. Now this peeked everyone's curiosity so they sent their best scout Niaemal, who was in fact a sharpshooter, and Gek, a Ghoston. (hint hint wink wink) While they were out the village was attacked by a group of Zemites. Now this peeked everyone's curiosity even more because of the fact that the lead one was silver instead of blue or white. Now believe it or not they actually associated it with the meteor. Aaaaaaanyway, to Niaemal and Gek.
"Uh, Gek do you hear that?"
"Yeah, sounds like someone yelling fly.
Next thing you know, two black and green blurs zoom out of the forest ahead and then, BAM BAM! TUMBLE TUMBLE! they all rolled down a high hill KEEEEEEEEEEEERRRASSHHH! ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(to be continued)
Friday, October 25, 2013
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy mode, sorry American narrator but I need to step in for a moment. Augaria is a strange planet in between the milky way and the galaxy that is protected by what humans call hero factory. Belonging to neither galaxies this planet has a couple of stars orbiting around it. Don't worry, no one gets it either.
The word gami is an old Augarian word dating back to the ancient central economy which loosely translates to three words, war, phoenix, and lunch. This being because central economy government meetings were often held at lunch time, and everyone disagreed so much that these meetings often ended in food fights, the winner of which would decide a new form of government. However, because the new governments were too often worse than the last, the central economy soon collapsed and Augaria became the planet it is today.
Friday, October 18, 2013
file: Zemite
ABILITIES: can go at high speeds and launch frontal claw as a ranged weapon
FACTS: is corrupted version of a Zemite
IF ONE IS SEEN: run the other way
if more than one is seen, just play dead and take no notice
Zemites are strange little creatures that inhabit the Augarian planes and flat open spaces. There are two varieties, the white, and the blue. For some strange reason the blue ones can't reproduce but are actually more common than the white ones. Trust me, we don't get it ether.
Friday, October 11, 2013
chapter 1: the begining continued
"Um....... Trek did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That voice, it was talking about us. I think it was narrating!"
"Dek how can there be a disembodied voice? I didn't hear anything."
You know Dek, she's right.
"Now, just then! I heard it again!"
Well Trek I think your brother just went into a twitching fit.
"Wait who said that?"
Anyway the black Ghoston was shaken out of twitching uncontrollably by the screaming sound of a meteor about to make an impact so big that the entire planet would soon start recycling (not really).
"Hey lets go check out the crater."
"Ooooonnn second thought FLYYYY!!!!!!",said Dek as a strange white ooze started flowing out of a crack in the meteorite. The reason that they panicked was the fact that anything the strange ooze touched changed somewhat creepily, and on Augaria nothing good comes from anything creepy.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Chapter 1, the beginning
Question from a reader:
Tonya LaFaberSeptember 13, 2013 at 4:55 PM
curious as to what kind of corruption took place? Physical corruption
to the landscape that eventually pervaded into the head's of the
inhabitants or was it mental corruption by way of direct impact to the
brain?"Answer: both actually. It's sort of like a combo of the fusion matter from fusionfall and the phaazon corruption from Metroid. For those who don't know what those two games are, it affected the inhabitants in different ways, all of those ways leading to mental corruption.
Heroes of Augaria: chapter 1
The swamp was silent, silent except for the Ghostons floating about piping their eery song, and maybe perhaps some aga bat shrieking to its fellows. Other than that, silent. Aaaaaaaannnndddddd probably a song worm singing Phantom of the Operaaaaaaaaa.......... oh who am I kidding? It was loud as heck. Aaaaaanyway, silence was caused, and ended almost immediately after it was caused, by a meteor streaking toward the Raigon forest.
Drifting through the forest were a few odd minded Ghostons. Now these two Ghostons in particular were odd minded, in the fact that they were so curious about what went on on the planet that they were constantly adventuring. In fact they were like the tooks of what you humans call, hobbits. Their names were Dek and Trek.
to be continued.............
Friday, September 27, 2013
file: Ghoston
Thursday, September 19, 2013
villain file, Shiragon
NAME: unknown
ABILITIES: unknown
ORIGIN: unknown
SPECIES: Gamisnake
IF ENCOUNTERED: do not engage
NAME: Shiragon
ABILITIES: can extend tail into whip
ORIGIN: was a protector of the elder dragon
SPECIES: Gamisnake
FACTS: killed brother when corrupted by the meteor
IF SEEN: use ninja like movements to sneak up behind and hit the unarmored part of her tail
NOTE: a Gamisnake is a relative to medisnakes that are more fighters than healers
Friday, September 13, 2013
villian file 1
NAME: unknown
WEAPONS: steel club, electric blaster
ABILITIES: unknown
ORIGIN: unknown
SPIECES: junk creature
FACTS: unknown
IF ENCOUNTERED: do not engage
NAME: Orenahk
WEAPONS: steel club, electric blaster
ABILITIES: electric tentacles
ORIGIN: still unknown
SPECIES: junk creature
FACTS: has electric generator on back
IF ENCOUNTERED: keep distance and attack
with ranged weapons
Friday, September 6, 2013
QUOTE: now come on! don't make me charge you!
to all attacks because it is made of titanium alloy. The horns are sharp enough to cut steel armor in half with one charge.
When he is transformed into humanoid form he can detach his horns and use them as swords.
Torogae is one of the ones that aren't affected by
the corruption from the meteor.
Friday, August 30, 2013
This little guy is Ironok, he's a medisnake
who travels around with Gaesa and the
others. What is a medisnake you may ask?
Well a medisnake is a snake that does medical
treatment to other inhabitants of Augaria.
Most medisnakes are equipped with extending
eyes that can be used as scanners for examining

be used as a
boomerang or
Friday, August 23, 2013
Name's Aidan and this blog is about the MOCs that I'll be making this year.
This group of MOCs is from a storyline called Heros of Augaria which takes place on the strange planet of Augaria. After a strange meteor crashes in the forest, corruption spreads all over the planet and gets into the inhabitants heads, turning them evil. But there are those who have been given immunity to the corruption. So now it's up to Torogae, Niaemal, and Gaesa to find the source of the corruption and destroy it.
This group of MOCs is from a storyline called Heros of Augaria which takes place on the strange planet of Augaria. After a strange meteor crashes in the forest, corruption spreads all over the planet and gets into the inhabitants heads, turning them evil. But there are those who have been given immunity to the corruption. So now it's up to Torogae, Niaemal, and Gaesa to find the source of the corruption and destroy it.
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