Friday, November 22, 2013


 I wanted to get the rest of the main characters out of the way so that I can focus on other parts of the blog. Gaesa is a shield ninja. What is a shield ninja you may ask? They're, basically ninja with shields and European style swords. But don't worry the swords are all one edged. Gaesa's sword is the the flame sword Pyradon. One strange thing about him is the green mask he wears that looks like something from a certain story book that practically everyone knows. Oh and I forgot to tell you that characters will have really powerful attacks that are unique to each one. The attacks are going to be spoken in ancient augarian. So keep an eye out. For ranged attacks he can shoot fire from his sword blade.

So that's pretty much it. Also hear is a quote, "Great, the elder dragon's protectors are a bunch of scatterbrains."

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