Friday, October 4, 2013

Chapter 1, the beginning

Question from a reader:
"I'm curious as to what kind of corruption took place? Physical corruption to the landscape that eventually pervaded into the head's of the inhabitants or was it mental corruption by way of direct impact to the brain?"

Answer: both actually. It's sort of like a combo of the fusion matter from fusionfall and the phaazon corruption from Metroid. For those who don't know what those two games are, it affected the inhabitants in different ways, all of those ways leading to mental corruption.

Heroes of  Augaria: chapter 1

           The swamp was silent, silent except for the Ghostons floating about piping their eery song, and maybe perhaps some aga bat shrieking to its fellows. Other than that, silent. Aaaaaaaannnndddddd probably a song worm singing Phantom of the Operaaaaaaaaa.......... oh who am I kidding? It was loud as heck. Aaaaaanyway, silence was caused, and ended almost immediately after it was caused, by a meteor streaking toward the Raigon forest.

Drifting through the forest were a few odd minded Ghostons. Now these two Ghostons in particular were odd minded, in the fact that they were so curious about what went on on the planet that they were constantly adventuring. In fact they were like the tooks of what you humans call, hobbits. Their names were Dek and Trek.

to be continued.............



  1. my fav part has to be...
    "Aaaaaaaannnndddddd probably a song worm singing Phantom of the Operaaaaaaaaa........"

  2. You made me laugh buddy. the Phantom of the Opera part and the "oh who am I kidding? it was loud a heck!" really had me pulled in! Want to know more about this world you have created.

