Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chapter 2: The Strange Case of the Silver Zemite, and the Living Ghoston (omg!) part 2

The three ghostons and the young sharpshooter lay in a jumbled heap in the wreckage of a shed which belonged to a zenape farmer who was currently yelling at them for smashing his storage shed. Poor Niaemal was so winded, probably because Trek had crashed headlong into his stomach, that he probably would've needed surgery had he not been wearing armor.

"Okay, ooooowwwww"


"Dek! Hey dude its been a while! What were ya flyin' from?"

Trek spoke up, "Somethin creepy."


"Wasn't perchance from a meteor was it?"

"Yeah, their was this weird ooze stuff leaking out."

While they were talking the ooze had been slowly creeping up to them. Three of them only noticed it just in time because it had reached up and grabbed Gek, swallowing him whole.

"Oh man. Gek!"

"Dude phase through it! Phase through it!"

Just then a strange creature rose up out of the ooze and gave an unagarianly shriek.

"Oh snap." everyone said at the same time.

to be continued   



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