Monday, October 5, 2015

chapter 7, A seafarer's tale, hunt for the sea blade! part 5

"Boys. When I say go, we're gathering as much of the treasure as we can into bags and running for the raft like death was on our heels. GO!"

That is exactly what they did, for they felt that death was indeed at their heels when half way to the raft they heard a ghostly roar.

(Silent) "Karanesh?"

(Captain) "Most likely."

They had just reached the raft and were about to launch the raft when a shape appeared over a mountain.

(Captain)"Wait what??!!! He's a bone drake? The legend always describes him as a squid thing that breathes lasers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Karanesh landed on the shore.

"Wait, what? They're still saying I'm a squid?"

 "All the time."

"Uuuuuuhg, sweet Creator. WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone was knocked off their feet when he shouted this. Karanesh then went on to explain that the Augarian legend writers guild has been adhering to a lot of stereotypes for many hundreds of years. 

"I've talked to them about this before, but they just role their eyes and go, 'Shorry dude but dragonsh are really out of plashe in she shtoriesh. They belong in medieval fantashiesh kidnapping prinsheshesh and shleeping on pilesh of treashure.' They've been impossible ever since they discovered that half the dragons from Gaia (Gaia is what Augarians call Earth btw.) use stolen treasure as beds. Plus, it gets really annoying when people mix ya up with Cthulhu."

(Captain) "Well maybe we can make a deal. We'll go attempt to make them all see reason, in return for ye letting us go, with the sword and treasure."


We now return to the inn.

"The end."

"That's it then?"

"Yeh. Now fer listenin' to me tale, ye and yer little group get free passage on me raft."

So eve- "Hey narrator?"

What Ironok?

"Could you just end the chapter here? We don't need some sort of monologue about how everything worked out."


to be continued..............................................................................................................


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