Monday, September 28, 2015

Legendary Augarian Weapon: Aqualai The Sea Blade

NAME: Aqualai

WEAPON TYPE: cutlass/trident/axe/rapier

LEGEND: Gives user full control over saltwater. Is the sword of the sea Kairathu.

HOW TO FIND: (It is in the light dimension so go there first.)
step 1: manage to procure the right treasure map from a vendor
step 2: follow the map to the correct island
step 3: take sword off of pedestal

(WARNING: taking the sword will awaken an insanely powerful dragon)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Legend File: the tide eater

Name: Karanesh, The Tide Eater

Species: Bone Drake
A bone drake is a species of dragon that are normally seen on islands and shores. In short, it's a sea dragon. Bone drakes are one of the strangest types of dragons in that their skins aren't covered in scales. Instead, they grow a strange armor made of bone.

Power's: the standard breath attack that every dragon is known for, this time lightning, 
is able to create a large fog bank, and has razor sharp wing edges

 Legend: He was the one to bring down the sea Kairathu. This granted him the title of tide eater.

Monday, September 21, 2015

chapter 7, A seafarer's tale, hunt for the sea blade! part 4


"Okay, what's goin' on?! Ye both just fell asleep!"

(Gaesa) "Well can you blame us? You've been going on for 3 hours now!! Can ya make this quick? I'd really like to get some sleep right about now."

"Alright I'll skip past the angry wind spirit, the quest to find a magical orb to bring that aga bat back to life, and the time flax got so paranoid that he blew up an entire pirate ship thereby gaining status as a Kairathu."

(Ironok) "Wait, you keep mentioning that word, Kairathu. What does that mean?"

"I don't know much. Only that they were strange beings who could bend certain elements to their wills. That be about it though."

Back to the story...........

(Silent) "Cove. Dead ahead."

"Aright I'll bring er' around!"

He jumped to the wheel and gave it a spin. The raft spun around at high speed until it came to rest within the cove.

(First) Captain ye almost tossed us all overboard!!!!!"

"Well fine. YE try ta parallel park this thing."

Flax turned to Silent.

"Ye know that wind spirit really should have picked a better emissary than an aga bat."


(Captain) "Alright, lets make landing and search the island!"

(First) "Or just go into the cave with a skull over the entrance."

There was indeed a cave onshore with a giant skull over the entrance.

"Oh.......... thanks fer pointin' that out. Makes things easier."

Everyone headed ashore and went inside the cave. They all stared with wonder at the treasure inside.

"Well First, this proof enough?"

"This could be anything. We don't know that the sea blade is in here or if it even exists."

"Then what's that weird sword over there doing on a pedestal?"

"I stand corrected."

Captain walked over and picked up the sword. It was just then that Flax noticed something.

"Captain? Ye might want to look up."

He looked up and saw writing on the wall.

"Whoever claims this ancient blade shall in turn awaken the tide eater. Well @#$%."

to be continued.................................................................................................................

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

chapter 7, A seafarer's tale, hunt for the sea blade! part 3

NOTE: Stone light is a very rare but extremely useless crystal that does nothing but sit there looking pretty. However it will get you quite a bit of rods if you sell a shard to a jeweler.

Cut to the crew at sea.

"Captain do ye even know which way ta go?!"

 "Of course I do. I found a map to the place in the storage area. Not too sure what it was doin' there though."

(cut back to harbor)

"Well Mez we're all set."

"Yeah Pez. Just two adventurers on the voyage of a lifetime to find treasure."

"The ship is ready, the crew will be here in 1 minute. We're ready to go."

"So Pez do you have the map?"

"Oh Yeah, I left it over on"

Pez turns around and sees a bunch of really burly sailors walking up the pier.

"Mez, I think we're about to get lynched."

(back at sea)

Everyone heard a loud scream. It was then that Flax started freaking out.

"Oh no, a banshee. We're all going to die soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"(sighs) Flax, we are not going to die. Silent! Get down here we're reviewin' the map."

He spreads the map out on a crate.

"So if we set an-" screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech

"So if we set-" he is again interrupted by a screeching aga bat.

"Oh fer the love a-" He pulls out his crossbow then twang, thud, splash.

(Flax) "Captain, ye've doomed us all."

"Flax, that's with albatross. Not aga bats."

(Silent) "Raft. Over that way."

First walked over to where Silent indicated and pulled out a spy glass.

"Well first?"

"Aye, tis' a raft. But it be................ made of........................ Bones???"

Captain walked over and pulled out his own spyglass.

"Huh. It is made of bones. Ye don't see that every day."

When the raft caught up to them the crew was astonished to see that it was crewed by a bunch of skelechrome. A skelechrome is what happens when the skeleton of an augarian takes a dip in molten metal, thereby giving it a life of its own.

"Hello there!", said the lead one. "Could you give us directions to the nearest port?"

The reason the crew was so astonished was because skelechrome are usually feral, predatory, and not nearly intelligent enough to talk let alone man a raft.

"Uhhhh. Try goin' that way fer a couple miles."


(Flax)  "What just happened?"

"No clue Flax. No clue."

To be continued.................................................................................................