Thursday, June 11, 2015

chapter 6, spelunking in insanity part 3 (strange........... cantalope) wait, what???

When we last left off, a lever was being pulled. The bridge started extending slowly towards them while making that weird sound of sliding stone.

"Well guys looks like all ya have to do now is wait."

So they waited........................................ and waited.................................................... and waited...................

                                                                 (5 hours later)

and waited.......................................... and waited................................................ and waited..............
Everyone was asleep by this point because the bridge was barely halfway there.

                                                             (3 more hours later)


Everyone except the Ghostons were lying in a tangled heap on the bridge. 

 (Ironok) "I can't believe it took 8 hours.

"Cfff you gt yrr hf hhh mof hofocae?"

Torogae apparently had his hoof in Niaemal's mouth. When they got untangled everyone went across the bridge and through a stone door. I'd like to say that the first thing they were aware of was the hugeness, but it was really the noise. It was SO loud that they had to close the apparently sound proof  door immediately after it was opened. Because it was so loud they had to sit in a circle and contemplate how to get through without going insane. Gaesa asked the first question.

"So........ Anyone have any ideas?"

Niaemal spoke up.

"We could use these no noise ear plugs."

They all decided this was the best option so they put them on, opened the door back up, and went inside. NOW what took them in was the hugeness. Dek was astounded by the shear size.

"Yeah.... this could take awhile."



So they went down into the canyon. Now they couldn't hear each other so it was very hard to communicate. Gaesa dashed over to a wall and did some hand signals. Unfortunately, no one new what they meant. Suddenly the ground started to shake. This sent Ironok into hypothesis mode.

"(Weird, Augaria doesn't get earthquakes.)"

A ghoston darted in front of  them and made signs to follow him. Fortunately everyone knew what this meant so they followed him into a hut that was built into the wall. On the way however, Gaesa was grumbling something about hand signals. When they entered the ghoston took out his own ear plugs from his ears and motioned for them to do the same.

"Okay can anyone hear me? We good? Okay."

Ironok inquired, "Hey, is your name Clevora Medohss?"

"It was," he says darkly, "but now it's Clek!", he says, perking up instantly.

"Oookay. So yeah we're down here because there's been an outbreak of mucelo-clenka."

"So you need me to cure it. Okay I can do that. But you guys need a way out of here. Didn't ya notice the shaking? There's a baselar (dun dun duh) down here!"

"A....... baselar? (dun dun duh)"

"Yes, a baselar (dun dun duh)."

Torogae was confused.

"Wait, what the @#%& is a baselar? (dun dun duh)"

"A giant serpentine creature with four tongues and sixty two stomachs."

Ironok inquired: "Wait, won't it have gone insane by now?"

"No.......... Baselars (dun dun duh) don't really have ears.......... Or vocal cords.......... Or a sense of humor for that matter."

(Gaesa)  "Well either way we'll have to kill it to get out of here."

"Why's that?"

Gaesa pointed out the window to show it lurking around the entrance. It was massive, twenty five times the length of a school bus and taller than an elephant. Along the spine were metal ridges, and along the sides were fin like projections. 


They all sat in a circle yet again and contemplated their best plan of attack. Ironok turned to Clek.

"So what do you know about baselars? (dun dun duh)"

"All I know is that it's skin is completely invulnerable to attacks."

(Gaesa) "So basically go for the eyes and the mouth."

(Niaemal) "Ok, I have an idea, but there's only a 6% chance it'll work."

"Well better than nothing."

"Ok you guys just have to distract it, I'll take care of the rest."

So with that in mind they all put their head phones back on and went out of the door. 

 and now................................................................................................. cue....boss........BATTLE!!!!!!!  

                                                 Subteranian Armored Snake


 Niaemal circled around to a rock outcropping and hid there, while the others ran at the giant snake. It tried hitting them with poisonous projectiles from it's mouth, luckily everyone just dodged them. Back to niaemal. 

"(Ok I just have to charge this up.)"

Back with the others. Gaesa had just managed to cut off one of the monster's tongues. Torogae then decided to take it up a notch.

"MINAETAURAHSS", and he then transformed into his humanoid form and was able to cut off two more tongues.
Back to Niaemal.

"(Ok it's fully charged. Now I just need a good shot.)"

Back with the others.
They had just gotten the last tongue cut off. The creature thrashed about screetching in pain and the noise was so loud it could be heard even with no noise ear plugs. Ironok was sent into hypothosis mode again.

"(I thought it wasn't supposed to have vocal cords.)"

Ironok was right in this reguard however what he didn't notice was that the baselar's (dun dun duh) eyes were glowing blue. Nor did he or anyone else notice the strange, froglike fifth tongue that was hiding inside the mouth. The giant serpent then noticed Niaemal on the rocks. The sharpshooter was standing up to get a good shot. The monster then shot out its 
fifth tongue. 

"(Ok Niaemal, wait for the right time, then let'r rip.)"

The tongue was almost to Niaemal when the sharpshooter let it loose.

"KAIA DREO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Chaos blast)"

The large beam incinerated its tongue and went down its throat causing the giant snake to blow up like a balloon. Then it blew up. Like the kaboom kind of blew up. The aftermath was kinda disgusting because there was bits of snake everywhere. It was then that Ironok noticed a white blob trying to get away. Luckily he managed to catch it in a specimen jar. Fast forward back to the surface.

"So Clek, think you'll able to help these guys out?"

"I should be able to handle it."

"Well see ya later then."

As the six companians went down the road from Random Out of Place Tile Boulivard Niaemal had an idea.

"Hey what if we did this kinda stuff for living?"

"What, like merks?"


"Sounds like fun. We can set up base in Glashlaklfla."

To be continued........................


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