Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Legend File: the elder dragon

Name: Okaros, The Elder Dragon

Species: Celestiuem
Also called aurora-scales, these brightly colored dragons are known for their scales. When flying their multicolored scales make them almost look like living auroras. Okaros however, is a bit different. There is a rare chance of one being born with scales that are mostly black. Sort of like an albino. Normally inhabiting mountain ranges and only leaving so as to migrate, most of them possess noble, dignified, and sort of cold personalities.

Powers: standard breath attack, this time a beam of energy, 
blades on his arms and tail, claws of oblivion, voice of the ancients,

Legend: Killed the dreaded soul demon Noranoranora Vuku. He is also said to be the wisest dragon on Augaria.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chapter 8, Something Shifty In Ajiga City part 3

(NOTE): By the way, we forgot to tell everyone a few things about Ghostons. They can't phase through an object if its too dense. Also all they remember about their lives is their name,  family, and how they died. Dek and Trek were about 6-7 when they died so that explains a few things.

(Gaesa) "I found some iron dust in the museum. The curator said there's an old factory on the edge of town so that's most likely where it is."

(Skip ahead to aforementioned factory.)

(Ironok) "Now remember, this changeling could be anywhere and anything in here so be careful."

"Wait, I'm confused.", Trek piped up. "I thought we were talking about a dude who can turn into other people."

(Ironok) "No. Those are shape shifters. Completely different thing."

"What's the difference?"

"Plenty. There's a fine line between Doppelgangers, Shapeshifters, and Changelings. Doppelgangers are soulless organisms that just randomly copy animals that they find and stare at for a while. Shapeshifters are just people who can turn into other people and they can be of different species. Changelings are seen by some as the very essence of change. Their true forms are tall transparent blue humanoids and they can alter their bodies however they want."

"Finally, someone can tell the difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A giant crane hook fell from the ceiling and turned into a changeling with a very ticked off look on his face.

"I assume your here to get rid of me?"

(Gaesa) "Yeah."

"Well don't bother. I could beat all six of you with my bear hands.", He said as he turned his hands into bear heads that snapped their jaws menacingly.

(Trek) "I have a question?"

(Torogae) "I think we all do."


"What's a bear?"

"You know, one of these things."

He then preceded to turn into a bear and roar at them. Everyone soon realized what he was talking about, Trek especially.

"Oooooooooooooh you mean a bruin."

to be continued.....................................................................................................................................