Monday, July 13, 2015

chapter 7, A seafarer's tale, hunt for the sea blade! part 2

When we last left off an old seafarer was telling a story. This is that story.

The raft was almost ready. The sail was unfurled and everyone was in place. Rafts on Augaria are more advanced than Earth rafts and actually have cabins, a mast/sail, and a crow's nest. They are still not as good as ships though. Now maybe I should describe the crew. The old seafarer was the captain (right now he doesn't have the sword) who's name was coincidentally, Captain. Now of course he was just called Captain seeing as it would sound stupid to call him captain Captain. There's also the first mate First McGhee. He was wearing a brown overcoat and steal tipped boots. He was also very skeptical and had two cutlass's strapped to his sides. Then there was Flax Jordan, the deck hand. He was wearing metal gauntlets and had a bolt pistol in a holster. Now he was also very superstitious and as such his outfit was covered in amulets and good luck charms. Seriously, you name it. From dream catchers to a lucky piece of stone light. The last member of the crew was Silent Jackson. He was tall, muscled, and lived up to his name in the fact that he only talked when he had to. There was also a giant war hammer secured to his back.

"Captain this is suicide."

"Do ye even know what we're after First?"

"No. But I do know tis goin' ta be one of yer wild goose chase treasure hunts. What are we even looking for this time?"

"I be glad ye asked. Narrator?!"

Long ago, a powerful deity used a strange sword to bend the seas to his will. It seemed he could not be defeated, for when someone challenged him he would strike their ships with mighty waves and sink them. He was finally bested by the tide eater Karanesh. It is said that before he died he sent the blade to a secret island that held what he took from defeated ships.

"That be how the myth goes anyway."

"Exactly me point Captain. Its a myth, it doesn't exist."

"That's what ye said about the lemon flavored kraken. What flavor was that kraken when we all caught and ate it?"

"(sigh) Lemons."

"Exactly. Now tis highly unlikely that he was a deity seeing as if he was he couldn't have died."

"Now yer finally startin' to see sense.", he said relieved.

"More likely he was one of the ancient Kairathu."

Cue anime pratfall.

"This is getting more farfetched by the second. First deities with magical swords, then hidden islands full of treasure, and now demigods?!!!"

''Aye. Now lets shove off!   

to be continued....................................................................................................