Monday, February 9, 2015

chapter 6, spelunking in insanity part 2 (hero...... kaira........) wait, what was that?

"Well this is a real pickle. Did not see that rope trap. Or the collapsing cliff."

The "pickle" he's talking about is the fact that when they finally got to dead drop ravine the ledge they were on collapsed when Gaesa activated a rope trap. They are all now hanging above the ravine. Gaesa is hanging upside down by his foot. The others except for the Ghostons were hanging on for dear life from his cape.

(Gaesa) "Hey Niaemal? Is your hand okay? It doesn't look too good."

"Yeah it's fine, it's just gone purple from hanging on too long.", He says sarcastically.  

"Well, can't you just use your other hand?"

"I can't do that because my other hand is a FREAKIN CANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oookay forget I asked."

(Ironok) "Hass habahi a hoof hifea."

You're probably asking, 'why is he talking like that?'. Well since Ironok doesn't have any limbs he has to hold on with his mouth. The Ghostons, by the way, were looking around on the opposite ledge.

"Hey guys? I'm not sure if this helps, but Dek and I found a lever that extends a bridge reaching exactly under where you guys are. Pretty convenient if you ask me."

(Torogae) WELL THEN PULL THE @#$% THING!!!!!!!!!

To be continued..............