Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chapter 5: EPICDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ironok slithered out of the room with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm afraid this is beyond my skill."

Ironok whispered darkly, "Sir, your son has................ MUCELO-CLENKA  kabooms in the background."

DUN DUN DUN!!!! "Again!!?? Seriously, if it's the dynamite budget AGAIN I'm gonna be ticked!!!!!!!!!!

No, this time it's the special effects budget, "Ooooooookay." Just at that moment, Ironok heard laughing outside the window. He looked out to see Torogae. 

"Dude what stupid disease is that?"

"It's bad with a capital b. Mucelo-clenka is a virus that gets, gomu dory nasem(the song that doesn't end) stuck in your head till it's cured. Which is almost impossible." 

"Wait, I thought that virus was wiped out." They looked up to see Gaesa sitting on the roof. 

Niaemal walked over, "Wait, wasn't there this one guy who could cure it?"

"Yeah but now he's a ghoston that 'lives' in the dreaded, INSANITY CANYON!!!!! With the only way to get there being........................................ DEAD DROP RAVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiich happens to be right under us.

(Niaemal)  "What.....? You said it was a canyon."

"An underground canyon. Echoing sounds everywhere. It's annoying enough to drive someone insane, hence the name."

(Gaesa)  "Well, who's up for some spelunking?"


Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapter 4: Adventures On Random Out Of Place Tile Boulevard part 5

Ok, so last we left off Dek and Trek had just noticed an angry mob. (sorry for any delays)

"You've been foolin people fer the last time ya darn snake oil salesman."

The trader laughed nervously, "Now guys, heheh, lets be reasonable here."

To this Dek flew up and whispered in his ear, "Dude this is Augaria, reasonable doesn't exist."

"Well gulp. Okay I'll admit, it's just water and food coloring."

Just at that moment Ironok walked, no wait, slithered over to Trek. 

"Okay what's goin' on over here?"

Trek, "Apparently this guy was caught selling fake medicine."

"What?", said Ironok seething inside.

"Um.... this guy was selling fake medicine."


What happened next was what happens when a medisnake catches you doing  just that. This particular salesman was hit with a club so many times he was bruised beyond recognition. It ended in him getting sent into orbit. But he didn't die, he just got corrupted.

"Oh good, a medisnake. I need yer help dude.

to be continued................